Everyone know that ZALORA is popular as one of the leading online shopping destination for all things fabulous from clothing, accessories, shoes, bags and more. Some may wonder where is ZALORA retail store as you want to feel the items before buying them. Worry no more as ZALORA pop up stores are hitting your town providing some of the beautiful fashion collections from various brands. ZALORA has now joined in the fun of the pop up store trend to further reach their lovely customers in a face-to-face purchase. Both men and women can visit our pop up store at shopping malls we visit and find brands such as Kei&Kori, Jaxon, Something Borrowed, ZALIA and Ezra by Zalora which are perfect to wear to any occasions.
If you do not know, ZALORA is travelling to your town by setting up temporary stores for you to enjoy an amazing shopping experience with us. Our pop up store concept is a new way for our customers to approach our services and get great deals offered. Besides surfing online, you could now feel and try on the clothing, accessories, shoes and more right at our set up pop up retail space. Pick out your favourites from our pop up shop clothing and feel happy with all your purchase.
Spot out ZALORA pop up store design every time you are at the shopping malls and rush in for a visit. Adore the clothing you see online and find the size which is perfect for you. Wait no more and follow our pop up retail store schedule tour by checking it on our website. If we haven’t made it to your town yet, do not hesitate to reach us on our social media platforms and we will try our best to open a store pop up in your location. Keep track by frequently visiting our pop up store online page and jot down the dates closest to your place!