raya outfit men

Top 5 Favourite Men Raya Outfits from Zalora

As a man, choosing a Raya outfit is so much simpler since everything we need are just a decent top with proper pants, right? Despite of all that, it still overwhelms a man every now and then to get that simplicity that comes with a trendy touch for an outfit. If you are still looking for Raya outfits at the last minute, fret not as Zalora men modest wear is the answer! Here are the top five favorite Raya outfits from Zalora baju raya lelaki that might intrigue you. Continue reading Top 5 Favourite Men Raya Outfits from Zalora

4 Essentials Samping Baju Melayu Designs for Every Men to Own

Wearing just a baju Melayu is not quite complete yet. Sure, you can wear it as is, but you would look a lot more handsome with a samping on. For those of you who do not know, a samping is a kind of short men sarong worn after wearing a baju Melayu and usually from the waist to the knees only Continue reading 4 Essentials Samping Baju Melayu Designs for Every Men to Own

What Happened Behind The Scenes at the ZALORAYA 2023 Fashion Show

Though ZALORAYA 2023 happened weeks ago, we still could not move on from the show. It was fun, energetic, lovely, stylish; all the things you want from a successful fashion show. A lot was going on during that show and lucky for us, we got to document it in pictures for us to keep. But where is the fun in that? Raya is about sharing! Continue reading What Happened Behind The Scenes at the ZALORAYA 2023 Fashion Show