Men Crush March Issue – Up Close & Personal With Jeremiah Buda

Before we fast ourselves from the goodies of the world, we have a last minute treat for you to drool over this month. Introducing Jeremiah Buda, or Jer for short, a Senior CRM Executive who keeps himself in check by working out, taking good care of his skin, and all the things a man should be doing right. Way to set a high standard for other men to follow! Read our exclusive Men Crush March Issue interview with Jer below.


1.     Give us a little insight on what you do for a living.

I am a Senior CRM Executive at an e-commerce company. I manage the customer database and the marketing strategy for CRM channel. The push notifications and marketing emails you get on your phone? Yeah, that’s me.


2.     We noticed that you keep yourself in shape. Share us your secret!

I have no secrets to keeping myself in shape. I eat A LOT. Due to my body’s high metabolism, I have to constantly eat and hit my daily calorie count, or else I’ll lose weight due to calorie deficit. Apart from keeping tabs on my calorie intake, I do boxing and spinning on a weekly basis. I especially love going for boxing classes as they provide a high intensity workout and I get that rush of endorphins flowing through my brain after.


3.     Describe your style in five words.

Baggy, effortless, accessories, sneakers & comfortable.


4.     In your opinion, who do you think is the most stylish?

Jackson Wang. Period. I wish I could dress like him ANY DAY.


5.     What is one thing that people would be surprised to know about you?

I speak 5 languages. Mandarin, English, Bahasa Melayu, Iban and Bahasa Sarawak.


6.     What is a big no in fashion?

Counterfeit products.


7.     What 2022 fashion trend needs to stop?

I feel like I’m going to get a lot of hate for this but, nail polish on men. There, I said it.


8.     What fashion trends would you like to see in 2023?

Neon cargo pants.


9.     Drop your skincare routine please!

3 litres of water every day! And of course, my daily average 4-step routine. Cleanse, tone, moisturise and SUNSCREEN. The sun is your skin’s worst enemy.


10.  If you could have a lengthy conversation with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

I guess it would have to be my brother, Aaron. Despite our obvious differences, I enjoy having lengthy conversations with him. He understands and supports me. He does not judge or belittle me. He is my main go-to-person when I need to vent out or get a second opinion.


11.  Who is your celebrity crush?

Lisa from BLACKPINK.


12.  In your opinion, what is the one thing people should pay more attention to?

Animal shelters. They need our attention. They need our support. They need our help. If you need a reason for charity, go for animal shelters.


13.  What song instantly puts you in a good mood?

“Starlight (Keep Me Afloat)” by Martin Garrix.


14.  What was the last movie you cried to?

I’m a sucker for sentimental movies. Last movie I cried to was “Interstellar” (despite watching it for the 100th time).


15.  Raya is just around the corner. What are you most excited about this festive season?

The Raya bazaars! I love how our nation just automatically gets together during the Ramadhan season, regardless of religion or race. It really is a sight to behold.


16.  If there is one Malaysian food that you would recommend, what would it be?

Ayam kampung masak lemak cili api. Period. I could eat that all year round.


17.  What is a red flag to you when out on a date?

When they are rude to the waiters and staff. Instant turn-off.


18.  What is the most valuable clothing item that you currently have in your closet?

My Lululemon workout tanks.


19.  We are still in the first quarter of 2023. What do you hope for this year?

A healthy political climate. I hope for more leaders and politicians representing the people’s true voices. The last 3 years had been a crazy ride. We need more wins this year.



20.  Every man in Malaysia should know how to….

Keep your personal hygiene in check! It’s super important to keep yourself clean and presentable. It’s the 21st Century. Self-care is EVERYTHING. Don’t just do it to impress others, do it for yourself.



Want to know more about Jer? Check him out @jerrrbuda on Instagram! Who else would you like to see on our Men Crush Issue? Drop some names at the comments section below!