2019 is coming to a close, and we have one last surprise for you to complete this year. Introducing our latest Man Crush for the month of December, Yasir Cottam, an Economics student living his 20’s all the way in London, United Kingdom. At such a tender age, Yasir is destined for greater things as he sets his mind to whatever that comes his way. His motto: “go do it now!”. Take on this journey with him and read our exclusive interview with young Yasir Cottam.
1. Give us a little insight into what you do for a living.
I’m currently an undergraduate student studying Economics and South East Asian studies at SOAS University, London. I do some trading and work on the side, but I keep all that stuff private.
2. 2019 is finally coming to an end! Looking back, what are some of your prouder achievements you have done this year?

2019 has been quite a tough year for me. I’d say getting through all the challenges was my proudest achievement. Just because I carry things well don’t mean it ain’t heavy. But yeah, my gym journey and getting into my dream university made me proud too.
3. Anything you regret not doing/trying in 2019?
Not being active in any of the clubs or societies in my university. I will next year for sure!
4. What are you looking forward to in 2020?
I want to seriously pick up boxing in Malaysia in January and when I’m back for summer. Not as exercise, but you never know, you could see me in the SEA Games, Olympics, or even the World Championships one day.
5. Have you listed down your New Year’s resolution already? What are they?

New Year’s resolutions? Don’t believe in that. If you want to get something done, go do it now. I’m not just saying it, you can do anything if you put your mind to it. I do have one resolution though. I’m still bulking so I hope to reach and maintain a bodyweight of 83kg. I am now currently 76kg and I’ve already gained 10kg since March this year.
6. What is one thing that people would be surprised to know about you?
I’m a softie, and I have a collection of stuffed penguins.
7. What is a typical day for one Yasir Cottam?
On weekdays I have the same routine; wake up, take a shower, have breakfast at home, walk to school for either class or to study in the library, take the tube home, go to the gym, either read or do some work and then sleep. On weekends I just hang out with friends 24/7, sleep late, and wake up extremeeeely late.
8. Living in London, what is the one thing you miss most about Malaysia?

Driving, my cat, and the weather.
9. What is your favourite thing about London that you can’t find back in Malaysia?
How people in London are more open-minded.
10. What local English food would you recommend to Malaysians and vice versa?

For Malaysians, I’m not really sure what to recommend but my sister drags me to afternoon teas and it’s a pretty fun experience. Scones are pretty good. I’d recommend roti canai to the English for sure!
11. Who is your celebrity crush?
12. In your opinion, what is the one thing people should pay more attention to?
Your friends. Ask how they’re doing instead of what they’re doing.
13. We noticed you can pull off just about any look, but how would you describe your everyday style?

As simple as it is, I work around grey, black, and white. Haven’t ventured out to colours yet.
14. Who is your fashion inspiration?
I honestly don’t have one, but if I see something I like, I’ll get it.
15. What is your most prized fashion item that you currently own in your wardrobe?
The Chelsea piece from Les Vêtements de Football. It’s an extremely rare piece but basically, it’s a vintage football jersey that got a makeover. I got it as a gift from one of my best friends.
16. What 2019 fashion trend do you think should be left behind and not continue next year?

Those chunky Fila shoes. I don’t want to offend anybody, but it looks like you’re going to the moon.
17. What is a fashion must-have that you always bring wherever you go?
A watch, no doubt. I feel naked without it. Also, I feel that it compliments a simple outfit or whatever you’re wearing.
18. What is one TV show that you can watch forever and not get bored?
Honestly, I don’t watch any TV shows, but I used to watch “The Simpsons” or “SpongeBob SquarePants” when I was younger so probably one of those?
19. Who do you got on repeat the most in your playlist?

“In2” by WSTRN but the Kehlani remix, I never get sick of it!
20. Every man in Malaysia should know how to…
Respect women, for real though. And stop being lazy. If you have a dream, GO CHASE IT! YOU ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE, SO DON’T WASTE IT!
Get up to date with Yasir Cottam via Instagram @yungyasir to know more about the young lad.
Who do you want to see be the first Man Crush of 2020 next month? Suggest your eligible gentlemen in the comments section below.