The school holidays are just started and some of the parents might be trying to figure out the plans and activities to do with their kids. With the inflation crisis at hand, it is understandable for some who might want to steer or limit their family budget in another direction as we never know what our future might hold for us. With that being said, fret no more dear parents as there are always ways to spend the school holidays with your kids without breaking the bank. Read down below for some of our school holiday activities suggestions.
1. Go back to nature

Bring your kids back to nature by going for a hike up to the nearest trail. If it is their first time, pick a trail that is short to let them get used to it as their first experience. Dress them up in comfy sportswear for kids and pack up some adventure tools such as binoculars and magnifying glasses too! Explore the forest while getting the family active.
2. Plan a family movie night

Another cost-effective way to spend time with your kids this school holiday is to plan a family movie night. If you have some extra budget for the cinema and pick a movie screening to enjoy as a family but if you want to save, you can always organize one at home. Whether you choose a movie from Netflix, Disney+, HBO, or any other movie platforms you enjoy, pick a family-friendly movie, dim the lights and set up your movie snacks on the coffee table. Create the perfect ambiance of a home movie theatre vibe and experience a fun night as a family.
3. Spend time at a children’s library

Bring your kids this school holidays to explore their creative minds at libraries to enjoy with an extensive amount of children’s books. Among the locations in Malaysia that you can go for a visit are the National Library, KL’s Children Library, Playcentre Library, CLiC Library, and Children’s Library at the Islamic Arts Museum.
4. Throw a small party

Another exciting way for not just the kids but also the parents is to throw a small party for close family and friends at home. It helps your children to spend time with all your loved ones and even their cousins (if any) or other children f your closest friends. However, make sure that everyone has gotten tested and is not sick before attending the party so that everyone can enjoy the moment comfortably.
So what are your budget-friendly ways to spend quality time with your childrens this school holiday?