Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) : Semakan dan Permohonan

Program Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) merupakan inisiatif kerajaan Malaysia untuk membantu mengurangkan beban kos sara hidup bagi golongan berpendapatan rendah. STR menyediakan bantuan tunai secara langsung kepada isi rumah dan individu bujang yang layak, memberikan mereka sedikit kelonggaran dari segi kewangan untuk menampung perbelanjaan harian. Continue reading Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) : Semakan dan Permohonan

Men Crush January Issue: Up Close & Personal With Leslie Png

We are back with another edition of our monthly Men Crush Issue. This January, let us introduce you to Leslie Png who enjoys being a photographer since he was in high school. Taking photos of friends in class back in his younger days has come a long way now, taking his photography talents to the rest of the world where he travels and records his visits. But enough talk. Let’s get right into it with our exclusive interview with Leslie! Continue reading Men Crush January Issue: Up Close & Personal With Leslie Png

Why Are Blind Boxes So Popular?

From picking and purchasing to finally unboxing one, the entire process of owning a blind box builds anticipation and excitement. Whether you manage to pull your anticipated design, score a secret figure in a single attempt, or end up with the same figurine three times in a row (and believe me, that can happen), the allure of blind boxes keeps everyone coming back for more. Continue reading Why Are Blind Boxes So Popular?

Chinese New Year Decoration Ideas for the Office

Chinese New Year is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to usher in good luck, prosperity, and festive vibes into your office space! Decorating the office for the Lunar New Year doesn’t just elevate the mood; it also fosters team spirit and gets everyone excited for the celebration. Here are some creative and easy-to-implement ideas to decor your office this chinese new year! Continue reading Chinese New Year Decoration Ideas for the Office

Apa Itu HMPV?

HMPV, atau Human Metapneumovirus, ialah virus pernafasan yang boleh menyebabkan jangkitan pada saluran pernafasan atas dan bawah. Virus ini sering menyerang kanak-kanak, warga emas, serta individu dengan sistem imun yang lemah. Sama seperti RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) atau influenza, HMPV sering dikaitkan dengan simptom pernafasan yang biasa tetapi boleh menjadi lebih serius dalam kes tertentu. Continue reading Apa Itu HMPV?