Aktiviti Menarik Cuti Sekolah Ini!

Cuti sekolah kembali lagi. Waktu yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh bukan sahaja anak-anak tetapi juga ibu bapa. Musim cuti sekolah adalah waktu dimana ibu bapa meluangkan masa bersama anak-anak pada hujung akhir tahun. Pasti sudah ada yang merancang aktiviti semasa cuti sekolah, baik bercuti ke luar negara atau pun balik ke kampung halaman. Namun, jika anda termasuk dalam Continue reading Aktiviti Menarik Cuti Sekolah Ini!

Things to Prepare Before Your Solemnization Day

Getting married to the man of your dreams is always a Cinderella fairytale for all the women out there? Some of us even dreamt of how our special day will be like from the decoration, cake, dress and even the venue since we were little girls. Being influenced by the numerous fairytale stories from Disney and romantic movies, we tend to fantasize how our big day as a bride will turn out. However, one thing that we often forget is the hard work planning it all after receiving the marriage proposal. Take a look below at the important things you need to prepare to enjoy your solemnization day. Continue reading Things to Prepare Before Your Solemnization Day

kereta api sarong 2024

Idea Outfit untuk Kereta Api Sarong

Untuk sambutan Hari Malaysia tahun ini, Kereta Api Sarong hadir dengan tema “Bangga Malaysia”. Ini adalah peluang terbaik untuk kita tunjukkan kecintaan kita terhadap budaya dan warisan Malaysia dengan outfit yang sesuai dengan acara yang berprestij ini. Jom lihat beberapa idea outfit kereta api sarong jika anda masih belum membuat keputusan. Continue reading Idea Outfit untuk Kereta Api Sarong

Kebaikan Kata-Kata Positif Untuk Diri Sendiri

Kata-kata positif sememangnya memberi impak yang besar dalam kehidupan seseorang. Tidak dinafikan kata- kata mempunyai kuasa yang besar namun tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar manusia. Seperti kata pepatah terlajak perahu boleh diundur terlajak kata buruk padahnya, yang mempunyai makna yang mendalam di sebalik kalimat itu. Setiap insan pasti mengalami hal – hal sulit yang dinamakan sebagai ujian hidup yang mungkin hanya diketahui oleh diri sendiri… Continue reading Kebaikan Kata-Kata Positif Untuk Diri Sendiri

How Malaysians Celebrate National Day

31 August marks a very important date for Malaysians. It is when we received our independence in 1957, and since then, we are growing as a country for the better. That is why we celebrate our National Day in a big way, to show our appreciation towards our freedom. And when we say big, we mean BIG! Parades, fireworks, songs, and many more are the way we do it when it comes to our Independence Day. Let us tell you more how we celebrate some things you can buy from ZALORA now…. Continue reading How Malaysians Celebrate National Day

Men Crush August Issue – Up Close & Personal with Arvind Gorasia

Another month another Men Crush Issue and this time, we have Arvind Gorasia in the house! Arvind is an entrepreneur, model, actor, and host; talk about an all-rounder, right? So, as we get into Merdeka month, we ask what does merdeka means to him while also getting to know him more as a person but most importantly, a Malaysian. Read our exclusive Men Crush Issue for August interview below! Continue reading Men Crush August Issue – Up Close & Personal with Arvind Gorasia

Happy National Girlfriends Day

If you’re wondering what today is, it’s National Girlfriends Day! So, guys, take note before your girlfriends start another drama with you! What is National Girlfriends Day? On August 1st every year, we celebrate a very special day dedicated to our girlfriends. National Girlfriends Day isn’t just about romantic relationships; its also a celebration of the platonic bond between women who shares joys, secrets and … Continue reading Happy National Girlfriends Day