Men Crush August Issue – Up Close & Personal with Arvind Gorasia

Another month another Men Crush Issue and this time, we have Arvind Gorasia in the house! Arvind is an entrepreneur, model, actor, and host; talk about an all-rounder, right? So, as we get into Merdeka month, we ask what does merdeka means to him while also getting to know him more as a person but most importantly, a Malaysian. Read our exclusive Men Crush Issue for August interview below! Continue reading Men Crush August Issue – Up Close & Personal with Arvind Gorasia

Consider Us Influenced: These Are The Most Stylish Couples in Asia

They say two is better than one—and a stylish couple can be double the fashion inspiration. Previously, we checked out what the most stylish influencers in Asia were wearing to fashion week. This time, we’re looking at couples from Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Couple fashion with designer pieces are very much a thing, and can be interpreted in any styles, whether street wear, cool, or sophisticated. Take inspiration from them, and you and… Continue reading Consider Us Influenced: These Are The Most Stylish Couples in Asia


打喷嚏自古至今常被用来隐喻情感,就如古诗《思念》中写道:“春风十里不如你,花开花落思难寄。昨夜一声喷嚏响,知是君心念我时。”这些诗句用打喷嚏表达了深切的思念之情,而民间的说法如“一喷嚏,有人在想你”也为打喷嚏增添了生活的乐趣和浪漫。 Continue reading 最近户外热,室内冷,一出门便打了一个喷嚏!究竟是谁在想我呢?🥰

5 Men’s Shoes Every Guy Needs

You can tell a lot by looking at a man’s shoe. Be it those fancy futuristic-looking shoes Kanye West keeps producing or a simple dress shoe to look smart in, footwear is what defines a man. It is a crucial piece of fashion item that makes or breaks an outfit. Let’s be honest, how many times have you seen a person ruin a perfectly smart get-up just by wearing flip-flops? As many of men would agree, the type of shoes worn differ depending Continue reading 5 Men’s Shoes Every Guy Needs

The Benefits of Traditional Games In Malaysia

raditional games are chart-topping activities among people who live in rural areas. It has been played by our society for a long time. Nowadays, most of the traditional games are being abandoned by the children of this modern era as the gadgets are more attractive for them. However, some of the children who live in rural areas are still interested to play the Malaysia traditional games like congkak, batu seremban, galah panjang & many more . Dear kids nowadays have you ever heard any one of traditional games in Malaysia? Of course, there is no doubt that playing traditional games has its own benefits to the players compared to the video games. Continue reading The Benefits of Traditional Games In Malaysia

Makna Di Sebalik Bunga

Bunga memberikan seribu satu makna pada setiap pemberi bunga. Bunga biasanya diberikan kepada pasangan kekasih, isteri, ibu dan juga teman. Dijadikan juga hadiah sebagai tanda terima kasih, melawat seseorang, memujuk dan ucapan tahniah. Tidak kurang juga bagi yang ingin meraikan sesuatu hari yang bermakna seperti  hari jadi, hari ibu dan hari graduasi. Apa makna di sebalik setiap jenis bunga yang diberi? Continue reading Makna Di Sebalik Bunga